Monday, December 13, 2004

Good for good is better than bad for bad
Many mistake that penalties ensure a deeper imprint of learning issues. They fail to understand that it detracts from learning issues and tends to create deeper impressions of the penalties instead. In the end, it defeats the duty of the instructors, that is to teach. Students that learn, learn from revulsion of the penalties, rather than coming out feeling enriched and ready to be a problem solver.

That's why i feel that quantitative measurement of exercises - where the lowest scorer earns him/herself some form of penalty - is erroneous. Creating people who are fearful of mistakes prevents the grooming of people that have the courage for resourcefulness and are undaunted by setbacks.

Quantitative measurement is important however, in order to evaluate abilities and see if the learners can demonstrate having gained from lessons. It's having penalties for mistakes i'm opposed to.

Rather than teaching a child what not to do, or else risk incuring punishment, a wiser way would be to teach a child exactly what is good and right to do. Take morals for example: It is correct to state the immorality of lying, but stress more on the importance and benefits of honesty . The indesire for rude behavior should be known, but glorify the beauty of courtesy and politeness. Do inform the errors of infidelity, but highlight the joys of faithfulness.

Parenting is an example where the nurture of personality evolves a person with initiative, sanguinity, resourcefulness and sureness of what to do. The same should be done in schools and learning instituitions.

I view this practice of "penalties for mistakes", as opposed to "learning issues from mistakes", highly objectionable. It reflects little thought in nurturing our only and valued national resource, our people. I hope this archaic and anachronistic culture may erode and a positive learning environment, in multiple aspects of life, be introduced.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Having Kayu at Jalan Prata

I've never been to Jalan Kayu before in my life. Really. Close your gaping mouths. After 21 years, last week was my first time with Ben and Winson, and tonight was my second with Trey and Lim Shen.

It's nice that Jalan Kayu is about 1.5 km away from School of Logistics where i'm at at the moment. Both visits we strolled over in slippers in the cool night. It would have rained in the early evening and the unpopulated area of Seletar ushers in the breeze easily. It's be cool, wet on the road, but not humid at all. It'd be queit.

The prata is expensive, nothing abt the chow is really exceptional really. But the walk and the supping and company is really pleasing. Trey gave me a corner of his dubious sounding chocolate prata earlier. That was the only undoubtably good belly inflation device i've tried there so far.

The crowd was eclectic. There would be the army boy party, unmistakable in standard issue shorts and unit pride shirts. There would be the dirt ugly ah beng faction, complete with christmas lit japanese sports car and an entourage of equally ugly ah lians. There would be the malay/indian family coalition, nevermind it's ten o/clock, just bring down the kids and the ol' uns. Most common is the aging gen-X offshoot, where two or so couples in their late twenties/early thirties would sit together, with the guys gone all out of shape and ladies given up on personal grooming coz the guys have gone out of shape anyway and theyall look like they've been to Jalan Kayu a dozen times too many. There are sporadic groups of little taufiks in ghetto caps and BMXs, probably cycled here from bishan or ang mo kio. Ah yes, don't forget the cells of haughty elitist socialite overspending early twenties yuppy wannabes that borrowed his mum's car to bring some bleach haired club met chicks to look cool with, each dressed in meticulously chosen beach apparel to look slack.

It's nice not to think so much. Not to think about my life, where i want to go, what i'm doing. Just looking around, enjoying the moment, observing, laughing, sipping on teh.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Live Idol update
25 minutes into the show.

Jean Danker was hot. Glanda and Nadya was hot. Heck Andrea dr Cruz was hot.
omg President Nathan arrived. *officers in the mess, salute!

Editing was poor.

And in comes the two idol hopefuls:

Taufik in a yellow topless beetle looking chevy. Thought across mind: Isn't that a little effeminate? Nice clothes though...

Seel-faz-tur on a convoy of harleys. Loving the attention with no aplomb. Carrying a really nice les paul. Stupid idiot isn't even jacked in, no wire no remote. Bloody moron act like shredding, crazy soloing, but he's pressing on the frets with no idea what he's doing and in the wrong key. FUCKING POSEUR!!!!