Sunday, March 07, 2004

The Changers
Written and Drawn by Eric Clayton Daniels

Shelley: I can't even imagine what it would be like not to have God in my life.

Geaza: In a way i envy you.

You have so confidently given yourself to something you can neither see, nor touch... In return for a life of peace, in fear of nothing.

In that you believe nothing happens to you without meaning and purpse - As arranged by a source of omniscient love.

That is significant.

But you must realize it requires a sacrifice... a sacrifice of will and reason.

Bisso could never do that. I could never do that. It's just the way we were raised - the things we learned growing up. Sometimes I wish it were not that way, but it just is.

Shelley: I understand.

I sometimes wish i had the audacity to turn my back on my creator because i couldn't bear the sacrifice of 'will and reason'.

But i can't... that's just the way it is.

That was an excerpt from an indie comic Tara sent me from Sydney. Thank you, I really enjoyed it very much.

I throw my toys around - No Doubt


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