Sunday, February 29, 2004

unintentional Monthly post

I'm looking at designs, writings, motion graphics with vicarous thrill. It's like listening to godlike bands play and love and admire them, hoping someday to emulate them, but knowing you'll never be there on that stage being loved because you simply suck. Or have a long way more to go. or just do not have the chance. You'll never produce that border bridging CD, poster, comic book, video that brands that indelible mark in people's minds. You'll just be genteel about it, self deceitfully positive about it. yeah.

"Ah the whole lot of you, knock it down!"

Humble beginnings! Humble journey! Humble results! Humility! Humiliation! Being Human! Superhumanly Sucky!

"Down! Down! Downdowndowndowndowndowndown!!!!"

Hmm the inks not coming out of my pen right. That's what screwing my picture up. No no, the skills need the correct means to manifest i tell you. The paper isn't the right kind. I don't have that software. I'd need that type of equipment for that. More time is required for such a level of perfection i tell you. I could do all that if i had what he/she/they had. Of course i'm good enough, but is the medium good enough? Nah that wouldn't work, takes too much time. Doesn't need that kind of finishing really. This'll do. Settle with this, it's more than what's required already. It'll do.

"Did i say you can recover?! Downdowndowndowndown!!!"

Always your way- My Vitriol


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