Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Very Stressed. Very Upset.

Comms Book
Supposed to be sent to print on last wed to get it out by the comms ball 23rd Oct. At that point i hadn't finished my work. Then Kenneth Foo passed me his files done in PowerPoint. The picture quality degraded very badly. I have to re-output his files, 2 platoons' reflections, in high res, or the best msPP can offer and resize it.

Yesterday Deneng sent me Charlie wingcom's msg. I had to put it in because i object to Kenneth Lim's opinion to put Hotel wingcom's msg without Charlie's. The file got corrupted in my mailbox and when i asked Deneng to remail to me an MSword version, he gave me shit. He talked to me like a moron, which really pissed me off. Look i know how to download an attachment you fool, don't try to guide me thru it when i tell you there isn't an attachment. I recognize an attachment when i see one. He was so convinced i had his level of ignorance with his annoyed insistence that i didn't know how to open emails. Hotmail screws up attached .rich text files, i told him the email was jumbled with script and he kept telling me to look for the link to download the .rtf file. His tone of voice really tested my limits of courtesy. When he was speechless after i pointed out attached mails had paperclip symbols on it and his mail did not. After a pause, he said with indifference, "oh well i did the file at work so i can't send the mail to you again anyway."

That was the last straw. Either he simply didn't want to help in this small way by not sending me the mail again, and if he really didn't have the file at home - he gave me all the shit about downloading the rtf file and telling me i didn't know how to d/l files, insulting my intelligence, spelling out his low regard of my character (i won't go into that), when he couldn't have helped at all. Fucker. Regardless of our history, this was a matter of our comms book not us. My asking for assistance on this matter was not beyond his taking a personal and un-professional approach.

I never curse at people in malice to their face. I think it's uncouth and below me. That's why i got somewhat upset at myself when i said "Bitch." in disgust and hung up. But his interrupted fury and immediate calling back and hanging up again; It was cathartic. I had the guilty pleasure of his anger. It's nothing compared to my sense of betrayel and stress, but it was good nonetheless. Deneng that fucker.

Thankfully Kenneth Foo offered to help and he got the file formatted properly for me. He also prepared the missing picture file i needed.

btw every single file Hotel's Kenneth Lim and WeiJian did was not in CMYK for print. I need to re-output them because an RGB to CYMK conversion darkens everything and i need to manually colour adjust every page to ensure things are visible. It's very 'yuan wang' work coz it's their fault, but i can't blame them, because nobody working on the team has design knowledge. End up about everything everyone does for the book, i must continue to work on them on top of the pages tasked to me to do. Sigh.

And all it matters to them is getting the book done by the comms ball. Kenneth Lim and vice chairman Winston has been calling me up incessantly to tell me we've run out of time and make me promise the completion by the ball. Thing is i can't because of all of the above, which i don't think they'll understand. They insist and i tell them if we are to compromise the quality of the book, the money the cadets paid, and the pride of the Officer Course we took to get the book by the ball by giving a half past six book. They too are pressured by the committee and the cohort, and i know my rightful points put them in very difficult positions. I suggested that the book collected when the cadets return the uniforms to OCS , and they ceded that as a last ditch choice. Nonetheless, the delay and failure to produce the book looks like it's entirely my fault, to everyone, and they don't know my problems and reasons. Ii'm taking all the shit now.

I am stressed and upset by what has happened, the situation i am in, and the immense workload still uncomplete at the moment. Blogging it down is helping a little, i'm grateful for it. Going back to work now, no sleep tonight, not that i have been getting much lately (3-5hrs a night past week, waking by 0545 to go to camp).

Other Stuff bothering me atm, but shan't vent anymore, work calls.
-Friends in Clementi- the lack of
-Getting Eaten by people. "tio jiak" because i'm not assertive enough
-Going Nowhere in where i wanna go in life when others have
-Psychology Talk from OCS - i'm getting mental illness from stress and insecurity. Neurosis, Anxiety, Insomnia.


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