Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Tis the season to be corny

Been reading about the Conulla Beach racial riot in Sydney... and today the new NSW laws to crackdown on racial violence. Aussies and alcohol man, why issit they drink already think can do anything... cannot just pass out or throw up and then pass out like the rest of us. I must live there for the next two years leh, dun liddat leh. Make me feel scared scared living there.

Christmas is coming. Knowing me, you guys can expact a whole barrage of corny lame-ass strangle-worthy lines from me. To spare all you gracious friends, I shall list down what i know and you can stop me when i try to lay one on you. If you didn't read it here, god help you.

Why were Santa's helpers depressed?
They had low elf-esteem.

What do you call someone afraid of Santa?

What did the salt and pepper say on Christmas?
Season's Greetings!

What's the difference between the xmas alphabet and the normal alphabet?
The xmas alphabet has no L (noel)

Why didn't the xmas turkey have an appetite?
Coz he was stuffed

What did Santa say in his garden?
Hoe Hoe Hoe!

New work:

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Anonymous Anonymous sang...

Ok I read oreadi! I'm spared!

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous sang...

finally... found your blog...
nice work...

i had to google you and find you on deviant art... and the rest of the IMD people as well...

how strangely googly powerful google is

4:20 AM  

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