Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Sex and the City
Just watched like 20 episodes at a go. Now typing this, i feel like Carrie Bradshaw. Carrie Bradshaw knows good sex! haha

I've been telling Jason recently i'm creatively catatonic. Just like the deer crossing the country highway freezing at the headlights, eyes wide, staring, body unmoveable. That's me, at the computer, pupils focused on the Adobe AfterEffects, and soon the impact from this catatonia will kill me like a little bambi who just wanted to try out some motion graphics. The question is this: What is the question?

Why do i freeze up and go blank like an impotent man's ejaculation? It never seems to be a problem when it's someone else's problem... so my problems actually earn their name by being problematic. I read in a horoscope book that deers born on my day tend to like to solve other people's problems but neglect their own. True true, but it's horoscope y'know. more genaric then a 60yr old.

I remember being the creative watermelon in older days, juices flowing and endless. I was the shifu of kung fu of words of puns and jokes and quick wit. innovative visions would come to me at the rate of muslims to the holy rock of Mecca. What the fuck happened? My ex-fertile mind has gone barren, unable to conceive of ideas so early in life?

As a kid, i've wanted to be a writer, artist and musician. It's evolved into many things, i've tried to be quite a few different things: zinester, comic artist, bassist, director, designer... none of which i've done well. i know it's early to judge any of these, but still this watermelon is dry. hmmf. ugh. sigh.


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